Liberty Village
Liberty Village is just 3 miles from the main Highway 192, where many supermarkets, shops, restaurants and bars are situated. Wal-Mart, now famous in the UK as well as the US, has a huge superstore less than 2 miles away for all your food and household needs and just about anything else you care to imagine.
Liberty Village Area Map
This shows how near our villas are to the Disney Parks
Just 15 minutes at normal driving speeds from the holiday of a lifetime

- Thank you for your valued enquiry. We hope that we can be of further service.
- If any more information is required we will only be too pleased to help, whatever the problem.
- We finalise our brochure with a map showing our Villa position in relation to the two major Airports in the region, Sanford and Orlando International. If you book with us we will provide detailed instructions to get you from either to our holiday homes.